Spellings For Me

Spellings For Me

Here in St Mary’s, we are updating our spellings programme and are embracing the latest proven methods for the teaching of spellings.  Many other progressive schools in Ireland are now also using this programme which is essentially an individualised approach to...
Incredible Edibles 2022

Incredible Edibles 2022

Incredible Edibles 2022 This year the girls from Miss Quinlan’s 3rd and 4th Class took part in AgriAware’s Incredible Edibles Initiative. Incredible Edibles is a healthy eating project for primary schools. The aim of the project is to educate students about growing...
Merck Curiosity Cube

Merck Curiosity Cube

We were delighted to host the Merck Curiosity Cube in our school on Monday 30th May. Merck have very kindly donated a whopping  €1,000.00  to our school to fund STEM activities at St. Mary’s N.S. We feel very lucky and are very appreciative of this generous donation. ...
CyberSmart School

CyberSmart School

St Mary’s is CyberSmart! St Mary’s has been awarded a badge denoting us a CyberSmart School. During Internet Safety Week, pupils and teachers took part in a Nationwide survey about Internet Safety practices and knowledge. A CyberSmart School means;                   ...
JEP Flag

JEP Flag

St Mary’s have been awarded a new flag for their participation and successful completion of the Junior Entrepreneur Programme.  An outstanding achievement for Ms Kelly’s Fifth Class and all involved. Junior Entrepreneur Programme (JEP) has given the pupils...