
Our classrooms are bright and spacious with interactive whiteboards in each room. We also have a dedicated computer room.

We have our Sonas classroom which is dedicated to supporting children with Autism to reach their full potential.

We have an Assembly/PE hall with a wide range of PE equipment, as well as access to adjacent gym, astro-turf and grass pitch facilities. Pupils attend classes at the nearby swimming pool.

Our large playground is marked with games and play areas and we have a designated area for pupils requiring  a quieter playspace.

Our Sensory Room provides a calm space where pupils are given time to practise relaxation and sensory development strategies.

Each class has its own well-stocked library with a large selection of recommended and popular children’s books. We have close links with Cobh Library where pupils regularly attend readings, workshops and visiting authors.

We have a fantastic outdoor space which includes our school garden, polytunnel and outdoor classroom.

To find out more about our facilities, please use the drop down menu under Facilities.